bandeau pegase 2023

Facts and Figures

  • An average number of 10 MSc-students and 8 PhD-students and post-docs per year
  • The coordination of one “Ingénieur” training cycle and two “Masters of sciences” in the field of Animal Sciences and Biology
  • A strong participation in undergraduate training at Institut Agro Rennes-Angers
  • An experimental facility for dairy cattle and goats
  • State-of-the art laboratory facilities
  • A large network of regional, national and international cooperatio
  • A strategic localisation in one of the major agricultural regions in Europe (at Rennes in Brittany, France)
  • Created in 2012 through the merger of PL (Milk production), GAREN (Animal Genetics) and part of SENAH (Livestock Systems, Animal and Human Nutrition) joint research units
  • Pegase is an acronym for “Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l’Animal et les Systèmes d’Elevage” (Physiology, Environment, and Genetics for the Animal and Livestock Systems)