bandeau pegase 2023

Research Teams

Pegase research unit includes 5 research teams working with complementary disciplines, approaches and methods to address three major challenges associated with the agroecological transition of livestock farming systems: Synergies (between animal welfare, health and productive functions of animals), Diversity (of animals, resources, systems and products) and Circularity (optimizing the links among resources-animals-products-effluents).

Illustration of team objectives


In this folder

For livestock systems that respect animals, and their behavioural and physiological needs.
Understanding animal physiology to address current and future challenges in livestock systems.

19 July 2024


Facilitating the evolution of poultry breeding towards more sustainable and innovative farming systems.

19 July 2024


Combining agroecology and product quality in monogastric farming systems.
For sustainable dairy systems that meet present and future economic, environmental and societal challenges.

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 31 January 2013 | By: Pegase