bandeau pegase 2023

Academic collaborations

Researchers and faculty at UMR Pegase work in close collaboration with colleagues from other Inrae units, French research organizations (e.g., Inria and Anses), and from universities and engineering schools and technical institutes such as Ifip and Idele.

At the local level, we developed a close network of collaborations, structured as scientific interest groups (GIS) such as Apivale and Biogenouest, and the convergence institute on digital agriculture #DigitAg.
Pegase also participates in several working groups, innovation tracking and projects initiated by the LivingLab “Laboratoire d'Innovation Territorial Ouest-Territoires d'Elevage” (LIT Ouesterel).

Scheme of collaborations

Our collaborative research programs are funded by local authorities, the French National Research Agency (ANR), the French Environment Agency (Ademe) and the Ministry of Agriculture.

UMR Pegase has also been participating in many projects funded by the European Union (FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) to develop multi-actor research on major societal issues:

  • Geronimo (Genome and epigenome-enabled breeding in monogastrics). 2021-2026
  • PPILOW (Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems' Welfare). 2019-2024
  • Treasure (Diversity of local pig breeds and production systems for high quality traditional products and sustainable pork chains). 2015-2019
  • Feed-a-Gene (Adapting the feed, the animal and the feeding techniques to improve the efficiency and sustainability of monogastric livestock production systems). 2015-2020
  • ProHealth (Sustainable intensive pig and poultry production). 2013-2018

and to coordinate experimental research infrastructures for swine or dairy cattle:

  • PigWeb: an infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production. 2021-2026
  • SmartCow : an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector. 2018-2022

Our main European research partners include WUR (the Netherlands), Teagasc (Ireland), SRUC (United Kingdom), Aarhus Univ. (Denmark), several universities in Italy, IRTA (Spain), FBN-Institut Leibnitz (Germany), ILVO and Ghent University (Belgium), Agroscope (Switzerland), SLU (Sweden), and KIS (Slovenia).  

Outside Europe, we have privileged relations with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the University of Guelph (Canada), with whom we partner in an international research network on milk (2RI GalactInnov). We also participate in programs with ISU, UCLA, UC Davis, and Clemson Univ. (United States), and UFSM, UFPR, UFV and UNESP (Brazil), CSIRO (Australia) and Massey Univ. (New Zealand).