Establishing relationships between intestinal microbiota and feed efficiency in pigs

Looking for new predictors of feed efficiency in pigs using intestinal microbiota composition.

Characterize feed efficiency ... a step towards precision feeding

In pig production 60% to 70% of total production costs are related to the feed costs. Profitability of the farms is therefore determined mostly by feed costs and feed efficiency. Feeding also plays a main role in limiting N and minerals excretions. During the last three decades genetic selection for a reduced feed conversion ratio and improvements in animal management have dramatically increased feed efficiency. Improvement of feed efficiency remains a priority for livestock breeders especially by reducing the gap between selection herd conditions and practical conditions encountered in commercial conditions.


Understand how gut microbiota participate to feed efficiency

In this context, the aim of this PhD project is to propose new traits for improving feed efficiency based on the potential link between the host and its gut microbiota and to better understand how gut microbiota participate to feed efficiency. In others livestock species, there are evidence that the interplay between animal and its microbiota for dietary energy utilization exists.
Main objective of the thesis is to describe relationships between intestinal microbiota and feed efficiency of the host. Effect of environmental factors such as climate, feeding level or diet composition will also be analyzed. One of main ouput of this thesis will be to propose and validate equations based on informations related the variability of the 16S-rRNA gene to predict feed efficiency of the host.


Mathilde Le Sciellour is working on this subject of thesis since the 1st november of 2016 for 3 years. She is supervised by David Renaudeau in the team alimentation and nutrition, and Olivier Zemb to the Inra research unit Genphyse.


Mathilde Le Sciellour, mathilde.lesciellour[at] (PhD)
David Renaudeau, david.renaudeau[at] (supervisor)
Olivier Zemb, zemb.olivier[at] (co-supervisor)

Modification date : 07 February 2023 | Publication date : 02 February 2017 | Redactor : Pegase